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Aug 13, 2019 | Fecon News

Fecon Offers Its Own Oil Analysis Kits

Poor quality oil can affect how your equipment performs. It can lead to abnormal wear of components, valves, valve guides, piston rings and more, in addition to driving up maintenance and operating costs. Routine oil analysis helps with the identification of abnormal wear particles that may potentially cause problems in the vital systems of your equipment. Regular oil testing helps you avoid expensive machine failures and costly downtime.

To make regular oil analysis easier for our customers, Fecon offers our own brand of oil analysis kits. Our kits are not limited to Fecon branded equipment but can be utilized on a wide range of mulchers and tractors.

Fecon has partnered with Apex Oil Lab to deliver a seamless end-to-end product experience. Apex Oil serves markets with petroleum-based energy products that fuel the world including gasoline, diesel, fuel oil, heavy oil, kerosene, and biodiesel, plus by-products including asphalt, and bunkers.

Our oil analysis kits offer many advantages for our customers who seek to protect their valuable assets. Some of those advantages include:

  • Not Limited to Fecon Brands
  • Powered by Apex Oil Lab
  • Same Day Results
  • Critical Alarms Reported Via Phone
  • Diagnosis Based on OEM Specs, Asset History and Mechanical Changes
  • Easy-To-Read Reports Delivered Online
  • Easy Access Phone Support
  • Customized Limits
  • Historical Data Import
  • Preserve Asset History

Fecon Oil Analysis kits are part of our ongoing commitment to offering value added services to our customers. Call 800-528-3113 or email parts@fecon.com to learn more.

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